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Are you here because you know you want to put an end to the "knee-jerk" reactions but aren't sure how?

You're ready to put an end to the yelling and fights and no longer want to feel overwhelmed and guilty about how the day unfolded.

You're ready to respond to your child with more calm and regulation and no longer want to stress about how to get your child to stop screaming so you can just breathe for a second.

With this e-book you'll learn how to ANCHOR yourself first - so you can stop reacting and start responding with more patience, purpose, and connection!

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    “I realized after I read this...and went through the steps...that it has really helped me be more present. I feel like that's what it's really about. Being able to be present and feel like I know how to respond to my kids the way I want to!"

    Mom of 2

    Bryn Mawr, PA

    What you get:

    An intentional, 6-step, "road map" that will help you begin to lengthen that precious pause...the one between your child's behavior...and your response.

    what will you learn?

    Your journey to more patience and ease in your parenting isn't a journey you can wish for. It's a journey you must decide on.

    This road map will be your guide there.

    Within these pages you'll learn how to:

    Build your awareness of your own internal thoughts. The ones that come up quickly and have been there for a long time. You'll also grow the skills to be gentle with yourself as you begin to re-frame and shift internal beliefs.

    Improve your ability to recognize when your body is telling you it's hit its limit (so you can stop feeling like you're going "from 0-60"). And you'll leave with the ability to cue into what your body needs - before you just react!

    Understand, and honor, the growth that's inevitable when you're a parent, increasing your confidence that you can show up for your kids in all the ways you really want to!

    If you're here, you know you're ready for this change! And, now you'll have the steps to make that happen.